Our services

What we can do for you

Discover exceptional diagnostic imaging services at The X-ray Group. Our comprehensive offerings include general x-ray, ultrasound, MRI, CT, dental imaging, nuclear medicine, breast imaging, bone densitometry, and interventional procedures. Patients and referrers trust us for high-quality imaging, precise reporting, and compassionate care. Explore our services today for accurate diagnoses and superior patient experience.

Below are some answers to your questions you might have…

CT scan image showcasing detailed cross-sectional view of the head and brain. The scan reveals anatomical structures, such as the skull, brain tissue, and blood vessels, providing valuable diagnostic information for medical professionals

General X-ray

An X-ray uses a small amount of radiation to view different areas of your body. It is used to create images of bones and internal structures. X-rays help doctors diagnose injuries, diseases, and other health conditions. 

Depending on the part of the body that needs to be imaged an X-ray can take anywhere from 5 to 15 minutes.


Depending on the body part being examined, the patient may be required to wear a gown. One of our friendly radiographers may also ask you to remove jewellery and/or body piercings.

At The X-ray Group we use the newest digital equipment for our X-ray’s. This means you can be sure that you are receiving the lowest amount of radiation possible.

The radiation levels used in Digital General X-ray are so low that there is little to no health effects.

All X-rays are bulk-billed.

The referring doctor and any other doctor you would like to include in your treatment will receive a formal report (your results) in a timely fashion.

Please make an appoinment with your Doctor to follow up your results.


Ultrasound uses sound waves to create images inside of the body. It is a non-invasive procedure that helps doctors visualize organs, tissues, and blood flow. An ultrasound is commonly used in pregnancy to monitor the health of the fetus, but it also has applications in diagnosing various medical conditions.

Ultrasound examinations usually take between 20 and 40 minutes, however some exams can take up to 60 minutes. 

Our lovely bookings staff will indicate how long your scan is likely to take when you make your booking.



You should arrive 15 minutes before your appointment time to complete any necessary paperwork.

Wear comfortable clothing to you appointment. You may be asked to change into a gown for the exam.

There is no special preparation for ultrasounds of the breast, musculoskeletal system, extremities, thyroid or vascular system.

Preparation will vary depending on the type of exam you are having – See below.

Please fast for a minimum 6 hours prior to your exam for the following Upper Abdominal exams:
  • Gall bladder
  • Pancreas
  • Liver
  • Spleen

Please drink up to 1 litre of water prior to the exam, your bladder needs to be full for the following Renal exams:

  • Kidneys
  • Ureter
  • Bladder

Please DO NOT empty your bladder before the exam.

Please drink up to 1 litre of water prior to the exam, your bladder needs to be full for the a Pelvis exam.

Please DO NOT empty your bladder before the exam.

Diagnostic ultrasound and/or sonography is considered a safe, non-invasive procedure by most every medical community, in part, because it uses low-power sound waves. No major medical source has cited that there are any direct risks from a diagnostic ultrasound exam harmful enough to prevent it’s use.

If you have a healthcare or pension card your Ultrasound is bulk-billed.

Some ultrasound scans incur a gap or out-of-pocket payment, one of our lovely reception staff will clarify any costs with you when you make your booking.

The referring doctor and any other doctor you would like to include in your treatment will receive a formal report (your results) in a timely fashion.

Please make an appoinment with your Doctor to follow up your results.

CT Scan

CT stands for Computed Tomography.

CT scans are a non-invasive imaging technique that provides detailed cross-sectional images of the body. CT scans aid in diagnosing medical conditions by capturing multiple X-ray images from different angles, offering valuable insights into bones, organs, and tissues. 

A CT examination normally takes between 10 and 30 minutes. However some exams may require a longer preparation and can require you to be in the department for 60 minutes.

You should arrive 15 minutes before your appointment time to complete any necessary paperwork. 

Try to wear comfortable clothing with no metal zippers, belts or buttons. You may be asked to remove jewellery, eye glasses and any other metal objects that may interfere with the images.

Depending on the part of the body that needs to be scanned you may be required to drink a certain amount of fluid before your scan. This is normally for abdominal scans and will require you to arrive 60 minutes before your appointment time. 

You may be asked to fast before your scan. 2 hours for diabetics, 4 hours for all other scans.

Medications may be taken as prescribed.

At The X-ray Group we use the newest digital equipment and most up-to-date software advancements for all of our CT scanners.

This means you can be sure that you are receiving the lowest amount of radiation possible.

All CT scans are generally bulk-billed, except for Calcium Scores and Podiatrist/Physio referrals.

The referring doctor and any other doctor you would like to include in your treatment will receive a formal report (your results) in a timely fashion.

Please make an appoinment with your Doctor to follow up your results.


MRI stands for Magnetic Resonance Imaging.

MRI technology produces highly detailed images of the body’s internal structures. Through the use of powerful magnets and radio waves, MRI captures precise images of organs, tissues, and joints, aiding in the diagnosis of various medical conditions. 

An MRI can take anywhere from 20 to 60 minutes to complete – some scans take longer than 60 mins.

Our lovely bookings staff will confirm how long your scan may take when you make your booking.

At the time of making your appointment specific preparation information will be provided.

You may take your medicine as prescribed.

It is important to stay very still for your MRI so please take any prescribed pain medication prior to your appointment.

Jewellery and metal cannot be worn during your MRI. We recommend leaving any valuables at home.

You will be required to answer a safety questionnaire that will assess your suitability and safety for an MRI exam.

If you have a known implant i.e. stents, aneurysm clips etc and have any extra information about the implant please send it in or bring it in with you for appointment.

Medicare has certain rules regarding MRI rebates. Your fee, should there be any, will be quoted upon booking.

The referring doctor and any other doctor you would like to include in your treatment will receive a formal report (your results) in a timely fashion.

Please make an appoinment with your Doctor to follow up your results.

Interventional Procedures

Interventional Radiology is a clinical subspeciality of Radiology where Radiologists (Doctors) apply minimally invasive techniques using image guidance such as CT and ultrasound to help manage pain (injection), remove fluid (drainage/aspiration) or take a sample of tissue (biopsy) These procedures offer precise diagnosis and treatment options for a range of conditions,  providing effective solutions with minimal risk and faster recovery times

At The X-ray Group we specialise in all spinal, musculoskeletal (MSK) and breast interventional procedures.

We also perform biopsies for the diagnosis of abnormal lumps and bumps that previous imaging may have found.

Depending on the body part being examined, the patient may be required to wear a gown. The radiographer may request removal of jewellery and body piercings.

The time it takes depends on the procedure taking place.

It normally takes 10-15 minutes for routine Ultrasound injections

It can take 15-20 minutes for routine CT injections

Any other advanced interventional procedures such as biopsies can take longer. Our lovely bookings and nursing team will advise you of the specifics when you make your appointment.

At The X-ray Group we use the newest digital equipment for our Interventional Imaging. This means you can be sure that you are receiving the lowest amount of radiation possible.

With any interventional procedure, there is a risk of bleeding and infection. The X-ray Group has patient preparation instructions and sterile procedures that reduce these risks.

Any specific risks limited to the procedure you are due to have will be communicated to you at the time of the procedure.

There will be an out-of-pocket gap fee associated for all interventional procedures, however you will receive a Medicare rebate for eligible MSK injections and biopsy procedures.

The referring doctor and any other doctor you would like to include in your treatment will receive a formal report (your results) in a timely fashion.

Bone Density DEXA

A Bone Density DEXA scan is a quick and painless procedure that accurately measures bone strength and density. DEXA scans help diagnose osteoporosis and assess fracture risks, guiding proactive measures for better bone health.

It provides information about the possible fracture risk to your bones.

A Bone Density scan takes 10-20 minutes.

You should arrive 15 minutes prior to your appointment time to complete any necessary paperwork.

You might be asked to remove jewellery, metal objects or clothing that may interfere with the imaging process.

You must wait a week after having a Nuclear Medicine scan before having a Bone Density test as the results may be impacted.

At The X-ray Group we use the newest digital equipment for our Bone Density scans. This means you can be sure that you are receiving the lowest amount of radiation possible.

The radiation levels used for DEXA’s are so low that there is little to no health effects.

Medicare have certain rules regarding Bone Density scans. Your fee, should there be any, will be quoted upon booking.

The referring doctor and any other doctor you would like to include in your treatment will receive a formal report (your results) in a timely fashion.

Please make an appoinment with your Doctor to follow up your results.


Echocardiography, sometimes referred to as Cardiac Echo, or an Echo, is an ultrasound of the heart. With the use of sound waves, echocardiography creates real-time images of the heart, allowing doctors to diagnose and monitor various cardiovascular conditions. Echocardiography plays a vital role in assessing heart health, guiding treatment plans, and ensuring optimal cardiac care

An Echocardiogram usually takes 40 minutes.

No specific preparation needed for a standard echocardiogram.

You will be asked to cease beta and calcium blockers for a stress echocardiogram.

Make sure you wear comfortable clothing and two-piece outfits are preferred.

Diagnostic ultrasound and/or sonography is considered a safe, non-invasive procedure by most every medical community, in part, because it uses low-power sound waves.

No major medical source has cited that there are any direct risks from a diagnostic ultrasound exam harmful enough to prevent it’s use.

Note: Some Echo appointments have an out of pocket fee even with a healthcare or pension card.

If your Echo incurs a gap or out-of-pocket payment, one of our lovely reception staff will clarify any costs with you when you make your booking.

The referring doctor and any other doctor you would like to include in your treatment will receive a formal report (your results) in a timely fashion.

Dental Imaging

OPG (orthopantomogram) & Lateral Ceph (Lateral Cephalogram) is a digital x-ray of the teeth and jaw. An OPG is an x-ray of the teeth and jaw acquired by the machine a machine moving around your head. A Lateral Ceph is a side on view of the facial structures. Both of these images are acquired using a specialised piece of digital x-ray equipment. All sites have identical dental X-ray units and produce the same quality images. An OPG takes as little as 5 minutes.

There is no preparation required for this examination.

You will however be asked to remove all metal from your head including jewellery, hair pieces including bobby pins, and any removable plates/dentures.

At The X-ray Group we use the newest digital equipment for our Dental Imaging. This means you can be sure that you are receiving the lowest amount of radiation possible.

The radiation level used in Dental Imaging are so low that there is little to no health effects.

All dental X-rays are bulk-billed.

The referring doctor and any other doctor you would like to include in your treatment will receive a formal report (your results) in a timely fashion.

Please make an appoinment with your Doctor to follow up your results.


A mammogram uses a small amount of radiation to image the breasts. Mammography is a specialized imaging technique for early detection of breast cancer. Mammography uses low-dose X-rays to create detailed images of breast tissue, helping to identify potential abnormalities at their earliest stages. It plays a critical role in breast health screenings, empowering women with proactive measures for early diagnosis, improved treatment outcomes, and ultimately, saving lives.

A mammogram usually comes accompanied by an Ultrasound of the breasts.

The mammogram takes 10-20 minutes.

The ultrasound takes 20-30 minutes.

It is important that you do not wear deodarant or talcum powder on the day of your appointment as this can alter the images.

If your previous imaging has not been at The X-ray Group please bring your previous imaging with you so we can make an accurate comparison.

At The X-ray Group we use the newest digital equipment for our Mammograms.

This means you can be sure that you are receiving the lowest amount of radiation possible.

Mammograms incur a gap or out-of-pocket payment, one of our lovely reception staff will clarify any costs with you when you make your booking.

Your treatment will receive a formal report (your results) in a timely fashion. (2 -3 business days )

Nuclear Medicine

Nuclear Medicine is an imaging modality that is able to take images of how your body functions in a safe and painless way. Nuclear Medicine procedures have been used clinically for 50 years and allows determination of medical information that would otherwise be unavailable or more difficult to achieve. The procedure combines imaging technology with molecular and cellular information, providing valuable insights into the functioning of organs and detecting diseases at the molecular level. 

Nuclear Medicine uses small amounts of radioactive material to diagnose and determine the severity of a variety of diseases, including many types of cancers, bone pathologies, heart disease, gastrointestinal, endocrine and many more abnormalities within the body. This radioactive material is generally injected into the bloodstream and its distribution is detected by a special Nuclear Medicine gamma camera. 

Radiography and Nuclear medicine are similar but also very different. In nuclear medicine, radioisotopes are introduced into the body internally, where as in radiography the X-rays penetrate from outside of the body.

You should arrive 15 minutes before your appointment time to complete any necessary paperwork.

Specific preparation will depend on the type of examination you are having.

At the time of making your appointment the bookings team will provide any specific preparation information to you.

For majority of the scans there is no preparation required.

At The X-ray Group we use the newest digital equipment for our Nuclear Medicine scans. This means you can be sure that you are receiving the lowest amount of radiation possible.

Like any medicine, doses are prepared with great care. Before they are clinically used, they are thoroughly tested and approved for use by the Food and Drug Administration. Nuclear Medicine is very safe! The injections we give contain only a very small amount of radioactivity and are flushed out of your system in a short period of time. 

If you are pregnant or breast feeding please mention that at the time of your booking. In these situations the risk versus benefits is assessed. 

At The X-ray Group we are committed to great personal service and to attain the best quality images for our patients and referrers. 

Nuclear medicine examinations at the X-Ray Group are BULK BILLED.

The referring doctor and any other doctor you would like to include in your treatment will receive a formal report (your results) after 2 business days.

Bone Scans:

To determine bone pathologies ranging from a fracture, infections within the bone, arthritis or secondary cancer sites. Spine pathologies for intervention.

Thyroid Scans:

For the assessment of hyperthyroidism, Graves’disease, a goitre, or thyroid nodules. Usually performed post an abnormal thyroid function blood test.

Parathyroid Scan:

Assess potential parathyroid adenomas or hyperparathyroidism, often performed when a change in blood results is noted.

Cardiac Imaging:

A Myocardial Perfusion Study is used for the diagnosis of coronary artery disease and risk stratification, for efficacy post revascularisation, as well as preoperative assessment. The predominant clinical indication is for patients at risk of ischaemia/myocardial infarction in the presence of unexplained arrhythmia or chest pain.


Assess biliary tract function including acute and chronic cholecystitis, common bile duct obstruction, and gallbladder ejection fraction.


Images gastric emptying disorders such as gastroparesis, rapid gastric emptying, investigation of epigastric discomfort and bloating, or for the assessment of gastric surgery.


There are two types of renal imaging. MAG-3 is used to determine overall renal function, to assess urinary drainage and effect of calculi. A DMSA study is used to interpret renal scarring.

Cardiac Services

At The X-ray Group we have all of the Cardiac Imaging ability of a high end Metropolitan Hospital however we do not offer Pacemaker MRI services or Transesophageal Echo.